Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Life In Spain

Although you may feel that my title is nothing to do with spanish food, those are related. Firstly, if we know the way spanish people live their lives, we will also know why they create this kind of food: paella, tortilla de patata....
If we understand their cultures, we can also know everything is related.
OK!! today, I will focus more on my life in Spain. I would like to share some photos-- where I have been and what I was doing there briefly.
My life was quite simple there in Spain.
From Monday to Friday
8:00~ Get up time.
9:00~ Go to school
1:00~ Back to dorm.
1:30-3:00~ have lunch(if you want to see what i was eating, please look at the previous article)
3:00-5:00~  have a break.
5:00-8:00~ have some sightseeing.
9:00-10:30~ dinner time.
after 10:30~free time (sometimes, we have party)

Did you notice that? my life is quite simple there. Same as spanish people. They get up pretty late, and go to work. But, they do not stay at work for such a long time. They care more about their resting time.
That's the reason why there are a lot of bars and clubs in Spain. For them, drinking and dancing are the way that they can be relaxed.
OH~ Honestly, I am not a lazy girl. Just because I had to get adapt to their living style. Now, photo time~~~
This photo was taken when we went to the bar nearby our school. I was not drunk yo! I think I did practice drining a lot when i was in spain, that's the reason why I am not easily to be drunk.
See the beautiful scenery? I used to go there. When we went hiking, we used to across this bridge.

I was quite satisfied of my life in Spain because I did not really need to worry about something, like the homework. Nothing stress me out there. In short, life in spain is really different from life here in Taiwan. (Now, yeah, i do worry about my homework.)

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