Saturday, November 5, 2011

Spanish meals in Cuenca

When I was in Cuenca, Spain, sometimes, I had my meals in bars or some restaurant with my friends, but almost the time, I stayed in the student restaurant. I like staying in the student restaurant having meals with my friends because that is more relaxing and also, eating in the student restaurant is FOR FREE(probably, the fee was included in our tuition.) But, compared to eating outside, eating inside is greatly much cheaper.

So... let me introduce Spanish food by posting some photos of the food I had in the student restaurant

This is the first meal I had in Cuenca... Firstly, see the dessert? the white one in the bowl. That is rice with milk(arroz con leche). that's well-known in Spain, nevertheless, people from Taiwan couldn't get used to this kind of food(normally, for us, rice is our main meal and is supposed to eat it with something salty.) As a result, the chef decided not to make arroz con leche anymore. That was my first time but also the last time to taste arroz con leche........
In Spain, people usually have two meals, the first meal and the second meal. See the potato on the right side? that is the first meal. People in Spain often take potato or french fried as their main meals(probably it's the same in the whole Europe.)But, as what I know, I had either potato or french fried in every meal everyday.
The second dish on the left side was my second meal.  Oh, right now I am so hungry.

 This was the last dinner I had in the student restaurant. And, this was my first meal. See... potato again. But..
I like potato so much. You can say I was born just for potato.
My second meal for the last day. I seldom took vegetable in Spain. I think that was because I did not like vegetable without being cooked or without adding every sauce. I don't know if you can see I did truly "pour" much and much salt in my meal. To put short, I like eating something salty.
So, that was my last meal in the student restaurant.. I miss them so much!!!

Our last day. Altough we seemed to be fine, inside in our heart, we were bleeding because of the saddness of our departure.

the End~~~~~~~ 


  1. It is so cool to know their native food.
    I also feel hungry now.:D

  2. i really dont want to come here...cuz your blog is always full of delicious spanish food...
    so would you please bring some for us next comporal meeting?

    anyway, i love your description

  3. TIM~~我已經印了又交給老師了 哈哈哈~~來聊中文吧
