Sunday, June 3, 2012

Korean Drama10: Love Rain

Love Rain was directed by Yoon Seok-Ho, who is a well known director in Korea.  Love Rain is quite a new drama that started airing in this March.  Yet, this drama did not gain much  support from the audience. Before Love Rain was airing on TV, I had already expected to watch this drama. Of course, what firstly draws my interest to watch this is still because of my favorite handsome actor, Jang Keun Suk.
 Love Rain depicts a pure love of the 1970s and a love from the present day. The drama shows how the ill fated couple, who met in the 1970s, fell in love but could not be together in the end because of social pressure and the sickness of Kim Yoon Hee, the female character. They believe "love in the first sight" exist. Seo In Ha, the main character only spent 3 seconds to fall in love with Kim Yoon Hee, who is of beauty. Unfortunately they were fated to be seperated.
Now in the present 21st century Korea, Seo In Ha's son, Seo Joon (a liberal photographer) meets and falls in love with the daughter of Kim Yoon Hee, Jung Ha Na, a cheerful and energetic girl who's personality is different from her mother's. They did not get along well at first because Seo Joon is an egoistcal person and thinks women are touble makers. But, when he is complaining Ha Na, he gradually falls in love with her. Unlike to their parents, they get married in the end and live happily forever(Although I don't believe "happy ending" exists, they are depicted in this way.)

Although Love Rain had only highest viewership percentage of 7.3%, I think Love Rain is a good and very touching drama. Tears and happiness are included. Yet, I think my Keun-Suk should not always role as a prince, who is loved by women but at the same time, is a woman hater in dramas because he is, in fact, not this kind of person in the real life and I do not hope he is marked and mistaken as a "prince".


  1. i saw the information on tv news
    look forward to this tv series :)

  2. I love YOONA!!!!!!!!!!!
    She's so beautiful

  3. I also watched this drama!!!! The reason why i know this drama is because of Yoona,i'm her fan XD
    I really like 1970s Yoon Hee and In ha's love story.
    This part is really toughing.
    But Hana and Seo Joon's love is also interesting and let me want to know what will the story develop! ;)
