Friday, September 23, 2011

The first meal in spanish restaurant: tortilla de patata

In English, tortilla de patata is called potato omlette. It's simple to be made, therefore, lots spanish know how to home-made tortilla de patata. It triggers my interent to make one by myself, and that's why I went to search a video on youtube and expect that I could make my own tortilla de patata.

The video spoken in Spanish,
My spanish is not that good enough to understand all, but I could try my best to translate it for you guys.

Firstly, lets get to know the recipe:
Ingredients: olive oil, 5 eggs, salt,  and potatos
1. Peel off the skin of potato and wash it to make sure it's clean.
2. Cut those potatos into pieces. The smaller, the better.  And, slice the onion.
3. Put the potatots into the pot and then, put the onion.
4. Break those eggs and put them into a pot and stir them.
5. When you think those potatos are ready, get them out of the pot and stir with eggs together.
6. Put them into the pot again and wait for a few minutes.
7. Remember to turn to another side, when you think this side is ready.

Get it? Do you already know those steps of making delicious tortilla de patata?

Then, are you ready? Let's make one right now.


  1. how can you post this in the dinner time..
    I'm so hungry lol

  2. To Jocelin Yeh..
    Sorry, I replied u late. But, if you are hungry, you could make a tortilla de patata by yourself. Just follow those steps. YA

    To Tim, hey, I still cannot make any comment in ur blog...... what a pity!!
