Wednesday, December 21, 2011

the history of spanish food (2)

Previously, I focused on the Paella's history. Today, I will like to show the history of spanish food in general...
Now, pay attention........
Basically, we could divide what has impacted on spanish food into three reasons.
I quote from "Enforex", the website.

Geography of Spanish Food

The basis of the history of Spanish food of course has to do with its geographical situation. First of all, the country is located on the Iberian peninsula and is  almost entirely surrounded by the waters. Naturally, due to this fortunate location, seafood forms one of the pillars of Spain's gastronomy and categorizes the country as having a Mediterranean diet. The rest of Spain is a diverse terrain made up of mountain ranges, lush pastures, fertile farmgrounds, extensive coastlines and more, which together provide quite the variety of fresh products. For example, Spain's famous hams are cured high in the mountains, vineyards and olive groves sprawl across expanses of land, and fresh fruits and vegetables hail from throughout the country..(

Cultures Throughout the History of Spanish Food

Endless cultures, as they passed through or settled in Spain, have influenced the history of Spanish food. The Phoenicians left their sauces, the Greeks introduced Spain to the wonders of olive oil, and Romans, Carthaginians, and Jews integrated elements of their own cooking into that of Spain. However it was the Moors who, during their centuries of reign, most impacted Spanish gastronomy. They introduced fruits and light seasonings into the Iberian diet, as well as combinations of fruits and nuts with meats and fish. Rice- a genuine staple of Spanish gastronomy- and therefore Spain's vast array of rice dishes, come straight from the Moors, as does the use of saffron, cinnamon, and nutmeg. As you eat gazpacho on a hot summer day, thank this clearly gastronomically talented Moorish culture, as it too comes straight from them. Conclusion? Ironically enough, the foods we consider to be "typically Spanish" would either not exist or would be extremely different without the intervention of so many cultures into the history of Spanish food..(

The Americas' Impact on the History of Spanish Food

Along with its obvious historical impact, the discovery of the Americas with Christopher Columbus' famous 1492 voyage resulted in the addition of more important elements to the history of Spanish food. As of 1520, foods from the new lands arrived in Spain and immediately began to integrate themselves into the Spanish diet. Amongst the many products that crossed the Atlantic and arrived on Spanish turf, tomatoes, vanilla, chocolate, various beans, and potatoes - which surprisingly arrived in Spain before arriving in Ireland- are all staples of today's Spanish kitchen.(
So, you see? because of the geographical, cultural and American's impact, here comes spanish food.

Friday, December 9, 2011

The histoy of spanish food (1)

Part 1!!!!!
We all know "Paella" is quite famous around the world and the food is originated from Spain. But, we do not know why spanish people created paella, right?
Today, I am going to be the teller. Let's talk about Paella's history.
 Paella is from Valencia, one of the city nearby by sea in Spain. Factories are around in Valencia. Paella was originally a laborers' meal, cooked over an open fire in the fields and eaten directly from the pan using wooden spoons. Seafood is rare in the fields of Valencia, which is why they used chicken, rabbit, duck and snails.
Snails were the most commonly used meat as they were cheap; for special occasions rabbit or duck would be added and the well-off would have chicken. Anyone that tries to tell you that the original paella was a seafood dish is wrong.
Today, we have two kinds of paella.. paella with seafood; paella with meat(duck, rabbit...). The first one is always much more expensive than the second one. After all, seafood is pretty rare in Spain. Somehow, we don't find any paella with meat in spanish restaurant of Taiwan. Maybe, they took the wrong concept? (they thought paella with seafood was the originated one. )
Anyhow, personally, i prefer paella with seafood, because that's more fresh. And, paella with lemon is much a perfect match!!

Paella only with meat

paella with seafood.:)

Now, are you mouth watering? If you are hungry, let's go spanish restaurant!! (Next, spanish restaurant in Taiwan)